Sunday, April 14, 2013

Contents Page

In creating this blog I found that all my posts have come out in the reverse order to which I intended them to be read. To save you the reader the hassle of having to plough back through my previous posts I have decided to create a contents page here with links to each section in the order they were originally intended. Of course you are free to view them in any order you choose. So just click on a link and enjoy learning.

Section 1: Introduction to me, my motivation and my blog:

1. Introduction

Section 2: Background information on CO2 and temperature:

2. Global warming from the Little Ice Age
3. Global warming since 1998
4. Global warming prior to the Little Ice Age
5. Global warming -CO2 - the facts

Section 3: Background information on the major groups and issues involved in the debate:

6. The three realities of climate change
7. The sceptics
8. Noble cause corruption in climate change
9. The Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC)
10. The IPCC and the Hockey stick graph
11. Chartmanship
12. The IPCC's 4th Assessment Report
13. The IPCC's 2500 scientists and the consensus of scientific opinion
14. The 31,072 scientists who oppose the IPCC's position
15. US Senator James Inhofe's 650 dissenting scientists
16. Climate Alarmism and Al Gore
17. Dr. James Hansen and alarmism
18. Professor Stephen Schnider and alarmism
19. Alarmism and the IPCC
20. Australian scientists and alarmism - Dr. David Karoly
21. Australian scientists and alarmism - Dr. Tim Flannery
22. Australian scientists and alarmism - Professor Matthew England
23. Australian scientists and alarmism - Professor Barry Brook
24. Australian scientists and alarmisim
25. Australian activists and alarmism
26. The media on climate change - part 1
27. The media on climate change - part 2
28. The media on climate change - part 3
29. The media on climate change - part 4
30. UK Met Office employs hindsight to claim prediction perfection.
31. Use of visual media as a propaganda tool
32. The reaction of some of the public to the media campaign on climate change
33. In the pay of "Big Oil" and other funding arrangements
34. Private beneficiaries of climate change
35. The 35 errors in "An Inconvenient Truth" - part 1
36. The 35 errors in "An Inconvenient Truth" - part 2
37. The 35 errors in “An Inconvenient Truth” – part 3
38. The 35 errors in “An Inconvenient Truth” – part 4
39. The 35 errors in “An Inconvenient Truth” – part 5
40. The 35 errors in “An Inconvenient Truth” – part 6
41. The 35 errors in “An Inconvenient Truth” – part 7
42. The 35 errors in “An Inconvenient Truth” – part 8
43. The 35 errors in “An Inconvenient Truth” – part 9
44. The 35 errors in “An Inconvenient Truth” – part 10
45. The 35 errors in “An Inconvenient Truth” – part 11
46. The 35 errors in “An Inconvenient Truth” – part 12
47. The 35 errors in "An Inconvenient Truth" - part 13
48. More errors by Al Gore
49. Do as I say, not as I do
50. The environmental activists hidden agendas

Section 4: The major issues:

51. Comic relief
52. The Polar Icecaps - part 1
53. The Polar Icecaps - part 2
54. The Polar Icecaps - part 3
55. The Polar Icecaps - part 4
56. The Polar Bears
57. Permafrost
58. Rising seas - part 1
59. Rising seas - part 2
60. Rising seas - part 3
61. Acid seas and coral reefs - part 1
62. Acid seas and coral reefs - part 2
63. Acid seas and coral reefs - part 3
64. Hurricanes and cyclones
65. Drought and the Murray Darling Basin
66. Temperature and the natural cycles
67. The Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO)
68. The Atlantic Multi-Decadal Oscillation (AMO)
69. Air and ocean temperatures
70. Transition to Solar cycle 24
71. Cosmic rays
72. Urban Heat Island effect
73. Mosquito borne diseases

Section 5: The proposed cures for climate change
74. The alternate energy systems
75. Wind power - part 1
76. Wind power - part 2
77. Wind power - part 3
78. Solar power - part 1
79. Solar power - part 2
80. Solar power - part 3
81. Other renewable sources of power
82. Nuclear - part 1
83. Nuclear - part 2
84. Nuclear - part 3
85. Other "Green" initiatives - biofuels
86. Other "Green" initiatives - hybrid /electric cars
87. Other "Green" initiatives - Compact Florescent Lights (CFL's) - part 1
88. Other "Green" initiatives - CFL's - part 2
89. Other "Green" initiatives - CFL's - part 3
90. Other "Green" initiatives - CFL's - part 4
91. The list of all things caused by global warming
92. Conclusion

Section 6: Conclusion of Sections 1 to 5

Section 7: Updates
93. More Hockey Stick Graph Controversy
94. Antarctic Not Melting During Summer
95. Cosmic Rays Hit Space Age High
96. Quiz Time
97. Alarmists Deliberately Target Children
98. Alarmists Deliberately Target Children - Part 2
99. Dr. James Hansen's Failed Prediction
100. Yet More Political Support For Alarmism
101. Dr. Richard Lindzen Discusses Climate Change
102. The Climate Research Unit Email Scandal
103. The Global Warming Swindle Movie
104. More Informational Videos
105. Climategate (The C.R.U. EMail Scandal) Update
106. Professor Bob Carter on CO2 and Climate Change
107. The Debate
108. Report from Copenhagen
109. Hiding the Decline - Part 1
110. Hiding the Decline - Part 2
111. Hiding the Decline - Part 3
112. Hiding the Decline - Part 4
113. Hiding the Decline - Part 5
114. Hiding the Decline - Part 6
115. Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) dismisses what it should be revealing
116. Cloud Mystery Video Series
117. Those Who Control The Information Try To Control The Debate.
118. Glaciergate And The TERI Link
119. No Peer Review Required At IPCC
120. The CRU Was Not Alone In Manipulating Data
121. How GISTEMP Produce Their Fudged Data.
122. Dr. Richard Lindzen - The Earth Is Never In Equilibrium
123. Climategate Enquiries And The Tom Sawyer Effect
124. Would You Trust Truth Fudgers?
125. When Scientists Go Bad
126. Tuvalu - The Defiant Island
127. Update On Wind Power Generation
128. Anthony Watts Discusses His Surface Stations Project
129. More Evidence Of Enhanced Global Temperature Data
130. Dr. Roy Spencer's Global Warming For Dummies
131. "Even if we have to redefine what the peer-reviewed literature is".
132. IPCC Continues To Fail In Its Bid For Accuracy
133. Failing To Convince, Climate Activists Threaten Instead
134. Stinks Of Desperation By The Alarmists.
135. A Very Important Letter
136. New Peer Reviewed Study Rebuts Steig et al Study on Antarctic
137. New Peer Review Study Rebuts Schmidt Paper on Surface Temperature Measurements
138. New Peer Reviewed Study Shows Just How Bad Climate Models Are
139. New Peer Reviewed Paper Shows “Absence Of Correlation Between Temperature Changes … And CO2″
140. Is The Warming Still Too Large To Be Explained By Solar?
141. CERN CLOUD Experiment - Preliminary Results
142. Global Warming Panic Explained
143. Two Important Interviews In The Carbon Dioxide Tax Debate
144. Sea Levels Don't Respond To Alarmism
145. Geoengineering - Not Quite The Fix They Thought It Was
146. Latest News From CERN CLOUD Experiment
147. New Study Links Cosmic Rays To Aerosols/Cloud Formation Via Solar Magnetic Activity Modulation
148. New Study Admits “Global Surface Temperatures Did Not Rise Between 1998 and 2008″
149. Dr Judith Curry - An explanation(?) for lack of warming since 1998
150. Dr. Roy Spencer's Video
151. Climategate Vs Fakegate
152. CO2 Causes Temperature Change or Vice Versa?
153. Polar Bear Numbers Increasing
154. Cosmic Rays And Clouds Influence Climate
155. New Peer Reviewed Paper Claims Global Warming Not Human Influenced
156. Reporting Impending Climate Doom
157. Part 2 of Professor Don Easterbrook's Concerns About The "Shakun et al Paper"
158. Paper Unifying Cosmic Ray Interaction
159. Another Paper Supports Svensmark's Cosmic Ray Theory